Mandiram Hospital is a multispecialty general hospital run by Mundakapadam Mandirams Society, a registered charitable society – K 28 of 1956. The hospital is situated on picturesque Mandiram Hill, providing a serene atmosphere to patients and staff alike.
For the last 80 years, the hospital has been serving the local community at affordable rates and inmates and staff of Agathi Mandiram and Balika Mandiram for free. Hospital gives special consideration to underprivileged and needy whenever necessary.
Mandiram Hospital and Mundakapadam Mandirams Society bear witness to Jesus Christ through the Ministry of Healing.
Commencement of Construction for the Oommen Chandy Memorial Dialysis Center, a Landmark Project for Advanced Dialysis Services
Dr. P Ninan Kurian became Medical Superintendent
Inauguration of Leyamma Memorial College of Nursing
Inauguration of Geriatric Care Service at Mandiram Hospital
Inauguration & Dedication: Kalarikal Dr. George Kurian Memorial Ward
Oppoottil General Ward Opened
Oppoottil Ward Stone Laying Ceremony
Dr. Markose Arackal became Medical Superintendent
Operation Theatre Complex with 4 operation theatres having most modern facilities and equipments and post operative wards was built
Opened new Labour Room with modern facilities
Dr. Biji Paul became Medical Superintendent.
Dr. P. C. George became Medical Superintendent.
Dr. Abraham Varghese became Medical Superintendent.
Dr. Varghese Mathew became Medical Superintendent.
Dr. K . Baby Ipe became Medical Superintendent.
Major Dr. V. P. Jacob became Medical Superintendent.
Dr. Sosamma Kurian became Medical Superintendent.
Dr. C.P. Joy became Medical Superintendent.
Mental Health Centre ( Vishranthi Centre ) was inaugurated by Malayala Manorama Chief Editor. Dr. Baker Fenn was incharge of the centre.
GNM Course started. So far 48 batches of 30 students passed out of the School.
Nursing School Opened
Operation Theatre, Labour Room, Wards for patients, Nursing Quarters etc. were all built during his time.
The foundation stone for the A.K. Ward was laid by H.H. Chithirathirunnal Balaramma Varma, the Rajpramukh of the Travancore-Cochin on May 24
Dr. K. M.Thomas became Medical Superintendent(1956-1980). Hospital saw a tremendous growth during his period. Hospital experienced significant growth during his tenure.
Famous Surgeon, Dr. Somervell laid the foundation for the out-patient block.
Dr. George Thomas Illikkal helped to develop the dispensary into a Hospital. Mandirams acquired 6 acres of land to build the hospital with the help of his friends
Dr. George Thomas became Medical Superintendent
Dr. Accamma Abraham Puthenpurackal and Dr. P.C. Mathew served in the Dispensary in succession.
Dr. T. Markose ( Markose Appothikkiri ) became Medical Superintendent.
Travancore Surgeon General Mrs Punnen Lukose inaugurated Mandiram Dispensary.
A meeting presided by Rev. C. M. John decided to start a Dispensary in Mundakapadam, Manganam as many in early 1940s lost their lifes to Cholera and Typhoid in Manganam and nearby areas
To bear witness to Jesus Christ through the Ministry of Healing.
To provide free medical aid to inmates, sevinees and staff of Agathi Mandiram and Balika Mandiram.
To provide expert medical aid to all those who come to the Hospital for treatment, with special consideration for needy and underprivileged, providing free treatment whenever necessary.
To be in touch with all progress in medical science.
To administer the School of Nursing
We strive our best to
To provide quality health care, the best available expertise and equipment at the hospital’s disposal, at the least possible cost to all our clientele. All our patients will be courteously and empathetically treated with equity.
The Quality Policy, we uphold and strive to sustain is to provide an integrated and need based optimum attention, care with empathy, safe and secure clinical practices, minimal medication and surgical interventions.
Mandiram Hospital is run by the Mundakapadam Mandirams Society, a registered charitable society (K 28 of 1956). Society’s members are from the three episcopal churches of Kerala – Malankara Mar Thoma Church, Malankara Orthodox Church and Diocese of Madhya Kerala in the Church of South India.
Mandirams Society entrusts the Governing Board, Hospital Executive Committee and Hospital Committee to govern the Hospital with the assistance of Officers of the Hospital.
The Governing Board of the Mundakapadam Mandirams Society oversees all operations of Mandiram Hospital. It is responsible for appointing the hospital’s officers and approving staff appointments made by the Hospital Executive Committee.
The Board also reviews and approves the hospital’s annual financial statements and budget.
The Hospital Executive Committee consists of the Office Bearers of the Mundakapadam Mandirams Society, along with the Medical Superintendent, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Medical Coordinator, Hospital Administrator, and Senior Accounts Officer as special invitees. Meetings of the Hospital Executive Committee are convened by the Medical Superintendent.
Deputy Chairman
Special Invitee
Committee Member
Medical Superintendent
Clinical Operations In-Charge
Finance Manager
Nursing Superintendent
Principal, College of Nursing
Hospital Committee comprises the Office Bearers of Mundakapadam Mandirams Society, Officers of the Hospital, Secretary of Mandirams Fellowship, a member of Fellowship nominated by Governing Board, a doctor from Hospital nominated by Governing Board and consultants invited by Medical Superintendent. The Hospital Committee is convened by the Medical Superintendent.
1. Medical Superintendent
2. Medical Coordinator
3. Hospital Administrator
4. Finance Manager
5. Systems Manager
6. Nursing Superintendent
7. Principal, School of Nursing