Mandiram Hospital is an institution run by Mundakapadam Mandirams Society, a registered charitable society in Manganam, Kottayam, Kerala.

Google Maps and GPS can take you to Mandiram Hospital. Nearest bus stop is Mandiram Hospital Junction in Kanjikuzhy Puthuppally road. Mandiram Hospital is 2 kms from Puthuppally Junction and 3.5 kms from Kanjikuzhy Junction.

Home Health Care is meant for bedridden and other patients who cannot come to hospital. Doctor and team will visit the patients. Visit Home Health Care page.

Contact for more details – 7902310100

Free treatment is given to palliative care patients admitted in the general ward and inmates & staff of Agathi Mandiram and Balika Mandiram.

Patients admitted in general ward who posses a letter from their panchayat member or parish priest stating their financial condition  qualify for concessional rates. However, concessions are only given based on the findings of an assessment done by a team of doctors from community health department.

Patients who are having health insurance policies can claim insurance. Please read the information in Insurance contact hopital office for more details.

Please make an appointment with a doctor by a phone call to  numbers 0481 – 2578393, 2578323, 2578313 Or by sending Whatsapp message to 8714158393.

Patient should take an appointment at least 1 day in advance.

Home Health Care


Administrative Officer


Golden Care & Ip Desk


